Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to get spray paint off my car?

I bought a used car about a year ago... when the car was in possession of the previous owner, the hood had been vandalised, so the previous owner spray painted the whole hood black (the rest of the car is red). He didnt do a good job painting the hood (he didnt sand down the original paint or prime it before spray painting). I was wondering how to get the spray paint off of my hood so that I can sand and prime it properly (Im going to re-paint the hood). Thanks in advanceHow to get spray paint off my car?
if youre gonna paint it then just sand itHow to get spray paint off my car?
Cellulose, petrol, brake fluid, anything along those lines, and a nice soft pad sander. If the paint is already flaking off, try a plastic scraper whilst using one on the above fluids, that way you wont scratch the metal but still remove the flaking paint easy.
Brake fluid will get paint off cars. Paint it on and leave it to sink in for a while then it should scrape off with a wood or plastic scraper. It will be messy and may take a few applications.

You could of course find a purpose made paint stripper like Nitromorse, but brake fluid is cheaper. Be careful when you're using it though obviously.
What the hell are all the other guys talking about? Brake fluid?! Listen to steve and just sand the damn thing.

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